Posted in Academic research (review) Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Catch-22 of Cybathlon Cybathlon 2016 Cybathlon 2020 Disability and the public ERC - EU - Horizon Janet and John Media publishing hyped up distortions Research premise myths Specifications and comparisons Strategy, marketing

Peter Kyberd and the Cybathlon Advisory Board [commentary]

Posted in Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Disability and the public Discrimination Media publishing hyped up distortions Objectification Research premise myths Stigmatization Swiss Attempts / Swiss Hype Trash Culture

Interview of Roland Sigrist by Cybathlon Interviewer [with critical comment]

Posted in Attitude Disability and the public Discrimination Media Media publishing hyped up distortions Objectification Stigmatization

Stigma and objectification – Stella Young’s TED talk [critical review]

Posted in Academic Project Academic research (review) Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Asymmetry Attitude Book and article reviews Carnes Arm Disability and the public Gadgets Health Media publishing hyped up distortions Neurology, phantom sensations Orthocare Innovations Overuse Reduction Pain Prosthetics Research premise myths Skin Sweat Touch Bionics

Prosthetic use and phantom pain [correlation causation sharknado]

Posted in #voightkampff test - dilemma Academic Project Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Amputees Are Evil Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Cybathlon 2016 Cybathlon 2020 Disability and the public High School Project Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Media Media publishing discriminating content Media publishing hyped up distortions Research premise myths Specifications and comparisons Swiss Attempts / Swiss Hype

Was ist mit Cybathlon@SCHOOL moeglicherweise problematisch?

Posted in Amputees Are Evil Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Attitude Disability and the public Discrimination Media Media publishing discriminating content Media publishing hyped up distortions Objectification Stigmatization Swiss Attempts / Swiss Hype

Promembro – Schweizer Lobbyisten wollen Hightech-Prothesen “legalisieren”

Posted in Academic Project Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Amputees Are Evil BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL Cybathlon 2020 Disability and the public Discrimination Extreme Cyborging High School Project Human Enhancement Bioethics Media Media publishing discriminating content Media publishing hyped up distortions Objectification Stigmatization Swiss Attempts / Swiss Hype Trash Culture

BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL: Pitch black cynicism in the Cybathlon 2020: “the role of a disabled person” [not funny]

Posted in Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Attitude Book and article reviews Disability and the public Media publishing hyped up distortions Swiss Attempts / Swiss Hype

Kommentar zu “Siri hat immer Lust – Gehört die Zukunft den Cyborgs und intelligenten Maschinen?” (UZH Magazin 2/18)

Posted in Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Disability and the public Media publishing hyped up distortions Swiss Attempts / Swiss Hype

Wie das Schweizer Fernsehen SRF über Armprothesen falsch informiert und statt dessen Werbung macht und Kritik daran löscht[#NOBILLAG]

Posted in Activities of Daily Living and Sports ANPPN Activites of No Particular Prosthetic Need Disability and the public EC puppetry Extreme Cyborging Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Media publishing hyped up distortions Movies about amputees Strategy, marketing Symbolism Theory, studies

The death of Dr. No [lessons to be learned for prosthetic design and use]

Posted in #voightkampff test - dilemma Amputees Are Evil Disability and the public Media Media publishing hyped up distortions Objectification Stigmatization

HumanXDesign – headbanging does not hurt if there is no wall [media idiocy]

Posted in Academic Project Academic research with relevant results Attitude Cybathlon 2016 Disability and the public Discrimination Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Media publishing adequate content Media publishing discriminating content Media publishing hyped up distortions Research premise myths Specifications and comparisons Stigmatization

Disability as spectacle? [tracing everyday experiences to follow this proposed aspect]

Posted in Academic Project Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Cybathlon 2016 Disability and the public Media Media publishing hyped up distortions Research premise myths Specifications and comparisons Swiss Attempts / Swiss Hype

Was bringt der Cybathlon 2016? (kurze Uebersicht)