Posted in Activities of Daily Living and Sports Artwork and Do It yourself Corner Biking Cable control Design principles Investors' Corner Mechanical works Media publishing adequate content

How prosthetic industries and academia fail: body-powered control is exactly the same as a bicycle brake cable [tech comparison]

Posted in "Bionic" prostheses Algorithm regarding best choice of prosthetic arm Attitude Book and article reviews Disability and the public Media Media publishing adequate content Prosthetics Specifications and comparisons Strategy, marketing

Body Talk [user perspective/s with regard to “bionic” hands]

Posted in Algorithm regarding best choice of prosthetic arm Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Disability and the public Media Media publishing adequate content

Artikel: “Kampf um die Prothese: «Behinderte werden vom Staat noch weiter behindert»” von D. Wirth, 28.10.2019 [Kommentar]

Posted in Disability and the public How to communicate the right way Media Media publishing adequate content

How robot technology that is advertised with technically insufficient propaganda numbers does make us truly angry [movie reference: HBO miniseries “Chernobyl”]

Posted in Algorithm regarding best choice of prosthetic arm Art Attitude Disability and the public EC off limits Extreme Cyborging Janet and John Media Media publishing adequate content Satire Symbolism Trash Culture

Alex Roy and comparing junk with what “real men” wear [consumer products and society]

Posted in Attitude Disability and the public How to communicate the right way Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Media publishing adequate content Movies about amputees

DJ Hookie [interview]

Posted in 3D Printing Academic research (review) Academic research with relevant results Attitude Disability and the public How to communicate the right way Media Media publishing adequate content

Normalizing prosthetic arms and media: the role of 3D printing – official statement

Posted in Academic Project Academic research with relevant results Attitude Cybathlon 2016 Disability and the public Discrimination Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Media publishing adequate content Media publishing discriminating content Media publishing hyped up distortions Research premise myths Specifications and comparisons Stigmatization

Disability as spectacle? [tracing everyday experiences to follow this proposed aspect]

Posted in "Bionic" prostheses Disability and the public Media publishing adequate content Prosthetics Science fiction

Prosthetic Envy (discussion panel roundup)

Posted in Attitude Disability and the public How to communicate the right way Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Media Media publishing adequate content

Deadpool movie quote

Posted in 3D Printing Art Attitude Disability and the public Humorous Attempts Media publishing adequate content

CHINA!! Striking new 3D print multi touch hightech arm hand prosthesis with “Rick” type integration [rr/ high tech advance]

Posted in 3D Printing Artwork and Do It yourself Corner Asymmetry Disability and the public Health Media publishing adequate content Prosthetics Red Hand Series / Technical Design Series

Cocreat 3D [very stylish 3D printing arm/hand startup]

Posted in "Bionic" prostheses Activities of Daily Living and Sports Bad Hand Day Brands Choreography Great campaign Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Media publishing adequate content Postural interference myoelectric control problem Prosthetics Touch Bionics Touch Bionics iLimb Tricks and techniques

A myoelectric prosthetic arm does have a mind on its own [just watch this – problems with postural interference, limb position(ing) effect, possible solution].