Posted in Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Disability and the public Discrimination Media publishing hyped up distortions Objectification Research premise myths Stigmatization Swiss Attempts / Swiss Hype Trash Culture

Interview of Roland Sigrist by Cybathlon Interviewer [with critical comment]

Posted in Academic Project Academic research (review) Attitude Disability and the public Discrimination Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Staring Stigmatization

Zygmunt Bauman and Erving Goffman giving advice on how to navigate visible disability and arm amputation [A]

Posted in Attitude Disability and the public Discrimination Media Media publishing hyped up distortions Objectification Stigmatization

Stigma and objectification – Stella Young’s TED talk [critical review]

Posted in #voightkampff test - dilemma Academic research (review) Amputees Are Evil Book and article reviews Disability and the public Discrimination How to communicate the right way Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Media Objectification Stigmatization Symbolism Trash Culture

Prosthesis and the engineered imagination: reading augmentation and disability across cultural theory, representation and product design [review]

Posted in Disability and the public Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Stigmatization Symbolism

How is “John without arms” an ableist derogatory Brazilian / Portuguese idiom that directly attributes ignorance and laziness to disability and then uses it a technical amputation descriptor to denote the lazy or ignorant?

Posted in "Bionic" prostheses Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Activities of Daily Living and Sports BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL Brands Catch-22 of Cybathlon Cybathlon 2020 Discrimination EC lumberjack and hauling EC off limits Extreme Cyborging Objectification Prosthetics Research premise myths Satire Specifications and comparisons Stigmatization Touch Bionics Touch Bionics iLimb Trash Culture

BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL – Hammer use to hammer nails, with “bionic” prosthetic hand, poses tricky Catch-22 for Cybathlon 2020 [review]

Posted in #voightkampff test - dilemma Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Book and article reviews Disability and the public Stigmatization

Zweimaltot – Beat Glogger (Buchbesprechung) [i]

Posted in #voightkampff test - dilemma Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Book and article reviews Disability and the public Stigmatization

Zweimaltot – Beat Glogger (Buchbesprechung)

Posted in Amputees Are Evil Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Attitude Disability and the public Discrimination Media Media publishing discriminating content Media publishing hyped up distortions Objectification Stigmatization Swiss Attempts / Swiss Hype

Promembro – Schweizer Lobbyisten wollen Hightech-Prothesen “legalisieren”

Posted in Academic Project Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Amputees Are Evil BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL Cybathlon 2020 Disability and the public Discrimination Extreme Cyborging High School Project Human Enhancement Bioethics Media Media publishing discriminating content Media publishing hyped up distortions Objectification Stigmatization Swiss Attempts / Swiss Hype Trash Culture

BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL: Pitch black cynicism in the Cybathlon 2020: “the role of a disabled person” [not funny]

Posted in Amputees Are Evil Disability and the public Discrimination Media Stigmatization

Reddit promotes clearly derogatory vocabulary for amputation [sociopathic efforts]

Posted in #voightkampff test - dilemma Activities of Daily Living and Sports Algorithm regarding best choice of prosthetic arm Artwork and Do It yourself Corner Attitude Cyborg appearance - robot look Disability and the public Media Stigmatization Symbolism

“Robotics”/”Cyborg”-ism and prosthetic arms – state of the art, and choice of role of prosthesis within own body image [analysis post]

Posted in #voightkampff test - dilemma Amputees Are Evil Disability and the public Media Media publishing hyped up distortions Objectification Stigmatization

HumanXDesign – headbanging does not hurt if there is no wall [media idiocy]