Posted in Academic Project Academic research (review) Book and article reviews Disability and the public ERC - EU - Horizon

Comments regarding Baines et al ‘The need for reproducible research in soft robotics’ with regard to research in prosthetics

Posted in "Bionic" prostheses Algorithm regarding best choice of prosthetic arm Attitude Book and article reviews Disability and the public Media Media publishing adequate content Prosthetics Specifications and comparisons Strategy, marketing

Body Talk [user perspective/s with regard to “bionic” hands]

Posted in Academic Project Academic research (review) Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Asymmetry Attitude Book and article reviews Carnes Arm Disability and the public Gadgets Health Media publishing hyped up distortions Neurology, phantom sensations Orthocare Innovations Overuse Reduction Pain Prosthetics Research premise myths Skin Sweat Touch Bionics

Prosthetic use and phantom pain [correlation causation sharknado]

Posted in #voightkampff test - dilemma Academic research (review) Amputees Are Evil Book and article reviews Disability and the public Discrimination How to communicate the right way Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Media Objectification Stigmatization Symbolism Trash Culture

Prosthesis and the engineered imagination: reading augmentation and disability across cultural theory, representation and product design [review]

Posted in #voightkampff test - dilemma Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Book and article reviews Disability and the public Stigmatization

Zweimaltot – Beat Glogger (Buchbesprechung) [i]

Posted in #voightkampff test - dilemma Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Book and article reviews Disability and the public Stigmatization

Zweimaltot – Beat Glogger (Buchbesprechung)

Posted in Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Attitude Book and article reviews Disability and the public Media publishing hyped up distortions Swiss Attempts / Swiss Hype

Kommentar zu “Siri hat immer Lust – Gehört die Zukunft den Cyborgs und intelligenten Maschinen?” (UZH Magazin 2/18)

Posted in Academic Project Academic research (review) Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Book and article reviews Disability and the public Media publishing hyped up distortions Research premise myths Swiss Attempts / Swiss Hype

Artikel “Forscher planen Wettkampf der technischen Hilfsmittel” der NZZ [Kommentar]

Posted in Academic Project Academic research (review) Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Book and article reviews Disability and the public Media publishing hyped up distortions Research premise myths Swiss Attempts / Swiss Hype

Artikel “Gefühl in der Prothese” der NZZ [Kommentar]

Posted in Academic research (review) Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Book and article reviews Disability and the public Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Stigmatization

Understanding Human Enhancement from view of disability? [counter arguments]

Posted in Academic research with relevant results Article in German - Artikel auf Deutsch Book and article reviews Disability and the public Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Objectification Stigmatization

APART – von Sub- und Objekten. Ein Magazin ueber Koerper und Identitaet (Diplomarbeit, Doreen Haedicke, 2012, Fachhochschule Potsdam) [Text zur Arbeit]

Posted in Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Book and article reviews Disability and the public Prosthetic sensory feedback Prosthetics Science fiction

Design and technical construction of a tactile display for sensory feedback in a hand prosthesis system [article review]

Posted in "Bionic" prostheses Book and article reviews DEKA arm / DARPA project Disability and the public Media Prosthetics Science fiction

Dean Kamen at TedMed 2009