Posted in "Bionic" prostheses Cybathlon 2016 Cybathlon 2020 History Myoelectric prostheses Prosthetic hook Prosthetics Science fiction Specifications and comparisons

Prosthetic split-hooks are by far the MORE MODERN concept than prosthetic hands and they did not take long to get vilified [what you all got wrong about history]

Posted in "Bionic" prostheses Academic Project Academic research (review) Activities of Daily Living and Sports Algorithm regarding best choice of prosthetic arm Artwork and Do It yourself Corner Asymmetry Becker Hand [Lock Grip, Imperial] {mechanical hand} Bimanual task benchmark Brands Cable control Cybathlon 2016 Design principles Disability and the public EC lumberjack and hauling EC microworks Extreme Cyborging Harness / shoulder strap Health History Hosmer Hosmer Dorrance Janet and John Material science Mechanical works Myoelectric prostheses Otto Bock Overuse Reduction Postural interference myoelectric control problem Prosthetic hand Prosthetic hook Prosthetic wrist connector Prosthetics Prototype development Research tips Specifications and comparisons Touch Bionics Touch Bionics iLimb Toughware Equilux TRS prehensor

Case-study of a user-driven prosthetic arm design: bionic hand versus customized body-powered technology in a highly demanding work environment [article out]

Posted in "Bionic" prostheses History Myoelectric prostheses Prosthetics

Russian prosthetic arm [about the history of myoelectric arms]

Posted in "Bionic" prostheses ADA technologies / Physionetics / Toughware PRX Artwork and Do It yourself Corner Becker Hand [Lock Grip, Imperial] {mechanical hand} Becker Hand [Lock Grip, Imperial] {mechanical hand} Brands Cable control Design principles Harness / shoulder strap History Hosmer Dorrance Material science MDP Meili Mechanical works Mert Lawwill Movohook 2Grip Otto Bock Prosthetic hook Prosthetic wrist connector Prosthetics Socket/liner Specifications and comparisons V2P Prehensor

Body powered arms [technical design overview]

Posted in Artwork and Do It yourself Corner Brands Cable control Carnes Arm Disability and the public History Mechanical works Media publishing adequate content Prosthetics Prototype development Support

Carnes arm getting re-engineered by an Australian [news]

Posted in Artwork and Do It yourself Corner Design principles History Mechanical works Prosthetic hand Prosthetic hook Prosthetics

Learning from the past I – Muirhead Little [literature review]

Posted in History Prosthetics

Historical prosthetic arm

Posted in Artwork and Do It yourself Corner Brands Carnes Arm History Mechanical works Prosthetic hand Prosthetics Science fiction

Carnes arm – history and current status [update]

Posted in Artwork and Do It yourself Corner Brands Cable control Carnes Arm Discrimination History Mechanical works Otto Bock Prosthetic hand

Carnes arm – hand function

Posted in Artwork and Do It yourself Corner Cable control History Prosthetic hand Prosthetics Science fiction

The Monestier-Lescoeur hand