This page details information for the Toughware PRX products V2P Prehensor and Toughware Equilux.
Toughware Equilux
The Equilux is a body powered device and it is (or will be) manufactured by Toughware PRX. It allows an “on the fly” switch between VC (voluntary closing) and VO (voluntary opening) control mode.
An outstanding feature is that the device also provides for the fact that normally, VO works better with slightly longer control cables, whereas the VC system requires mildly shorter ones. This device’s flip / switch design does away with this by way of clever design. So with one good control cable length, you are set.
As a further feature, it contains an interface for exchangeable grip pads. As we will see, this is a relevant aspect, that will have to be followed up in the future.
Switch from VO to VC:
Switch from VC to VO:
Details about this device see posts on this webpage.
V2P Prehensor
The V2P Prehensor is, with a huge advantage in performance compared to other hooks, the device I see best fit to complete a maximum of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) using my body powered below elbow prosthesis, a wee bit better even than Becker hands. It obviously does not look like a hand but it turned out to not be a big issue.
[DEUTSCH] Der V2P Prehensor kann bei direkt bei Bradley Veatch bestellt werden.
[ENGLISH] The V2P Prehensor can be ordered directly from Bradley Veatch.
Disclaimer: I am not involved with the business of ADA Technologies / Physionetics / Toughware PRX. The V2P Prehensor is a great product that I took the liberty to critically test and review.