This technical web entry (check the mission statement) belongs to me, Wolf Schweitzer. I am a Swiss board certified Forensic Pathologist (Rechtsmediziner FMH), and I am currently also working on a project entailing noninvasive scanning methods at the Institute of Legal Medicine at the University of Zuerich, Switzerland.
In 1993, I had suggested a range of what then appeared to be relevant research subjects to the director of the Institute of Legal Medicine in Zurich, and we discussed these subjects, and determined then, that post mortem imaging based on radiological slice image 3D scan methods were the path to take for me, and it was agreed upon this subject. In-depth research work was conducted at the Institute of Pathology at the Kantonsspital Muensterlingen, Switzerland (2 years, 1995 to 1997; research topics: Myocardial pathology after TMLR (Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization); cardiac conduction system of infants that had died an apparently sudden death) in order to obtain grant funding. After that, based on that research and based on what we had discussed, I obtained two research grants to go to the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Melbourne, Australia (“MRI scans of post mortem hearts”; Grants: Ciba Geigy Jubilaeumsstiftung and Schweizerischer Nationalfonds, about 1 year, 1997-1998). After that, I worked at the Institut fuer Rechtsmedizin Bern, Switzerland (“Digital Autopsy”; Grant: Gebert-Ruef-Stiftung, about 2 years, 2000-2001). Radiological post mortem slice imaging as idea then was quickly adopted by an increasingly large number of people, who made it their own, in part under various brand names.
My training includes Forensic Medicine (Institut fuer Rechtsmedizin Zuerich, Switzerland; Institut fuer Rechtsmedizin Bern, Switzerland; Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Melbourne, Australia), Pathology (Institut fuer Pathologie, Kantonsspital Muensterlingen, Switzerland) and Clinical Medicine and Surgery (Ospidal d’Engiadina Bassa, Scuol, Switzerland).
While my family paternally (‘Schweitzer’) originates from the Alsace, I grew up a bit in the USA, in Germany and in Switzerland. My early German was picked up in Unterpfaffenhofen out of Munich. My Swiss German dialect ranges around Zueriduetsch. If you are not sure about yours, you can have it checked at http://dialects.from.ch.
I have not given up guitar play and still care about playing; check out some recent examples of bluegrass picking, or a cooked up blues piece also in this recent example.
As life goes on, we get older – but what does not kill you may make you stranger. How about writing up something new on Propellerheads’ Reason or some one-handed-/left-handed guitar play or, seriously brainwashed, one-handed/left-handed bass play (it does pay to use good audio equipment for that one). How about re-inventing function and looks of what can be built and sold as a prosthetic arm to suit the purpose. And ultimately, how about getting back to bike riding. Besides, I also like to go for a bit of a swim every now and then.
You may preferably reach me via E-mail to wuff at swisswuff dot ch.