Posted in Academic Project Academic research (review) Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Disability and the public Prosthetic sensory feedback

Article “Restoration of Genuine Sensation and Proprioception of Individual Fingers Following Transradial Amputation with Targeted Sensory Reinnervation as a Mechanoneural Interface” [review]

Posted in Academic Project Academic research (review) Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Disability and the public Prosthetic sensory feedback

Perspectives on the comparative benefits of body-powered and myoelectric upper limb prostheses [review]

Posted in Academic Project Academic research (review) Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Disability and the public Discrimination Research premise myths

Prosthetic arm development and AI (artificical intelligence) to address user needs [review]

Posted in Academic Project Academic research (review) Book and article reviews Disability and the public ERC - EU - Horizon

Comments regarding Baines et al ‘The need for reproducible research in soft robotics’ with regard to research in prosthetics

Posted in Academic Project Academic research (review) Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Attitude Disability and the public How to communicate the right way Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Research premise myths

Uncanny usage of “healthy subject” as “opposed” to “amputee” status in human research [academic researchers: “what” (not “who”) we are]

Posted in "Bionic" prostheses Academic Project Academic research (review) Disability and the public Myoelectric prostheses Postural interference myoelectric control problem Prosthetics

Comment with regard to Stuttaford SA, Dyson M, Nazarpour K, Dupan SS. Reducing Motor Variability Enhances Myoelectric Control Robustness Across Untrained Limb Positions

Posted in Academic research (review) Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Catch-22 of Cybathlon Cybathlon 2016 Cybathlon 2020 Disability and the public ERC - EU - Horizon Janet and John Media publishing hyped up distortions Research premise myths Specifications and comparisons Strategy, marketing

Peter Kyberd and the Cybathlon Advisory Board [commentary]

Posted in Academic Project Academic research (review) Attitude Disability and the public Discrimination Impact of visible disability on non-disabled people Staring Stigmatization

Zygmunt Bauman and Erving Goffman giving advice on how to navigate visible disability and arm amputation [A]

Posted in Academic Project Academic research (review) Disability and the public Research premise myths

Myoelectric prosthetic arms – who missed the bus, and how?

Posted in Academic Project Academic research (review) Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Disability and the public ERC - EU - Horizon Research premise myths

Is European (EU, ERC, Horizon, Cordis) funded research into prosthetic arm title related subjects getting, like, anywhere, like, at all with regard to physically demanding work use? [54,7 Million EU in total, TL;DR: no]

Posted in Academic research (review) Disability and the public Prosthetic sensory feedback Research premise myths

[Review] Structural validity and reliability of the patient experience measure: A new approach to assessing psychosocial experience of upper limb prosthesis users {subjective view on a subjectively structured subject}

Posted in "Bionic" prostheses Academic Project Academic research (review) Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Disability and the public Myoelectric prostheses Prosthetics Research premise myths Specifications and comparisons Trash Culture

Approximating true cost of faulty grip control from a true user view / experience [cost versus benefit aspect]

Posted in Academic research under The Amputee Excuse (TAE) Disability and the public ERC - EU - Horizon Prosthetic sensory feedback Research premise myths

Review of DeTOP European Research project H2020-ICT-687905 [review / academic project]