Subaru dashboard modifications [tweak]

A long time ago, I started having a large roll of red sheet rubber at home, an industry size thing. And double-sided sticky tape. And stuff like that. If they do excavations in, say, 50 years, they may find thes things and go “WTF did that guy do with that”. And it remains a valid question for scholars that study us (“us”): you may read all the works of any official appointee about what one has to consider in terms of prostheses – but you will never find any word about sheet rubber and sticky tape as stuff to keep, alongside WD40. To the best of my knowledge, therefore, you read that here first, too. So here we go: lifestyle stacked sheet rubber and application in Subaru dashboard modifications for the benefit of an arm amputee.

My car has a button for hazard lights.

There it is.

When that (“that”) moment comes, I will hammer that button down. And if everything works out, I drive wearing a Hosmer hook or something along these lines.

So: the button gets a thick rubber protector. For mechanical protection. As there are precedents. I had cars with hazard buttons damaged after too much hook exposure. I even had cars with buttons that were impossible to use as an arm amputee: a Mini Cooper (link).

Close-up of harzard light button protector. This rubber is relatively thick and thus a good protection for the rather delicate plastic button. And a household that does stuff like that can surely afford a bit of rubber here or there.

And while I was at it, I decided to protect the right lower steering wheel spoke as well. There are precedents there, too. Because, I had cars where my hook may have taken out whole chunks of the plastic spokes. The tip of the hooks did it! When driving the German Orderbuhn across Kasseler Berge at some 220 km/h or so and holding on to the steering wheel real well.

Also, you may notice how I placed two (2) steering wheel covers on that steering wheel. Pads it real well. The hook can use its slanted parallel grip and exert easy swivel control on that wheel by being a hook. If you think you can drive curves with a prosthetic hand just as easily, I welcome you to try out at own risk. Trust me, that’d be hard. I tried, too.

That is why sometimes, “world modification” is the way to go. If you always have sheet rubber handy, no problem.

Update 09.12.2020 – I replaced the red rubber with a relatively thick transparent silicone sheet.

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Wolf Schweitzer: - Subaru dashboard modifications [tweak]; published 03/10/2019, 17:23; URL:

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BibTeX 2: @MISC{schweitzer_wolf_1738961633, author = {Wolf Schweitzer}, title = {{Subaru dashboard modifications [tweak]}}, howpublished = {Technical Below Elbow Amputee Issues}, month = {October}, year = {2019}, url = {} }