As we all know, I just recently designed and rapid prototyped a guitar pick holder for my prosthetic hook.
And guess what, this guitar pick holder also perfectly fits my iLimb revolution, certainly making me the first official “Cyborg AND 3d-print” endowing prosthetic arm guitar player, like, ever ; ) That just got to be raising hell, getting all these new hyped up slogan words lined up, like, together. Plus, this is just a really first test, as in, first minutes. I put in on, and 5 minutes later, this.
Demo video
Grip view panorama
The pick holder stabilizes a reliable pick position when held by the iLimb hand, and so I switch the hand off in that position (see below) and gently squeeze the pick holder between index and middle finger.
The middle finger perfectly fits into the rear sided groove of the pick holder as this image shows.
All that is needed is a pick. As you can read in the original post for this device, I added a bit of double sided sticky tape to help the mount.
So, way to go!
Order yours here ; )
If you want one, here is where to get it 3d-printed and shipped to you right away: